Service cores Our OrgANIZATION
Moving, Learning, and Thriving through Scientific Discovery
Research within the Pepper Center is organized within five core areas. You may request a service related to a specific research core.
Pepper Center
Clinical Research Core
The Clinical Research Core provides expertise for conducting and translating clinical research across the spectrum of investigation of both behavioral and pharmaceutical clinical trials . It also engages with observational studies of risk and outcomes related to mobility and prevention of disability.
Pepper Center
Metabolism and Translational Science Core
The Metabolism and Translational Science Core research asserts that healthy aging depends upon knowledge of specific protein, RNA, and DNA biomarkers, as well as measurements of metabolism in isolated mitochondria and white blood cells.
Pepper Center
Biostatistics Core
The Biostatistics Core creates operational definitions for outcome variables and other covariates to be measured, analyzes pilot/exploratory studies to obtain data useful for planning future studies, provides pre-study and pre-proposal study design guidance: performs power analyses, calculates appropriate sample size for testing intervention effects and develops statistical analysis plans.
Pepper Center
Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence Core
The Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (DIAL-AI) Core provides a central hub of expertise in computer science, biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, data science, applied technology, epidemiology, and content expertise in the assessment of mobility.
Pepper Center
Systems Physiology and Multi-omics Core
The Systems Physiology and Omics Core has expertise in systemic measures of mouse activity, circadian rhythms and bioinformatics expertise for genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics datasets metabolism and feeding.
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